sings: Oh, give me a home…

“One of the most enjoyable periods of my virtual existence was when The Steamlands were thriving in Second Life. At one point, I had six offices, three pubs and five homes scattered about Winterfell, Caledon, New Babbage, Austral, New Toulouse and Steelhead. I was thinking of those days the other night when I rented a region on Craft World.”

Read it all on Journey To The Center Of The Metaverse…

A Baseball Story

Here’s a link to my entry in the Opening Day Stories Project, sponsored by the Dankoville Story Group.

Up until now, all of my stories of the past five years have appeared under my name. But I was in all of those stories, I’m not in this one. So I thought I’d bow out and let my ghostwriter get some credit for a change. This one is written in his name.

Take it away, George…

You can visit the scene of this story, here… Dankoville HG address